
Rules and Regulations and Privacy Terms

    I agree to have my Suikang Code scanned and my temperature measured when entering the exhibition complex. I agree to wear a mask at all times and comply with the necessary arrangements and control measures by the Police and relevant authorities.
    I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Canton Fair Complex and observe the laws of the People’s Republic of China. I agree to take full responsibility of my behaviors.
    三、 参观及参展人士应妥善保管自己的财物,注意人身安全。主办单位对参观人士在展馆及其附近对自身或他人财物所发生的损失或损坏(无论何种原因)﹐主办单位不承担任何赔偿责任﹐也不对参观人士在展馆和离开展馆的过程中发生的死亡或伤害事故承担任何责任。
    I agree to attend to my personal belongings and take care of my personal safety. The show organizer takes no responsibility for any loss of or damage to any personal belongings whatever the cause might be. The show organizer has no responsibility for any injury or fatality of visitors to the show either in the exhibition complex or on their way leaving the complex. The show organizer takes no responsibility for compensations for the above situations.
    I, as a visitor to the show, agree that the show organizer takes no responsibility for any products for show or for sale in the exhibition.
    I, as a visitor to or participator in the exhibition, agree to the collection of my personal information including my company name, my name, my ID number, my mobile phone number etc. by the show organizer.
    I, as a visitor to or participator in the exhibition, agree that the show organizer can use my personal information to promote and publicize the organizer’s other exhibitions in China.
    I agree to have my pre-registration code scanned by the show organizer and submit the data to the show organizer’s database.
    I agree that when I press the “agree and continue” button below then the show organizer has my permission to collect, use and transmit my personal information for promotion and publicity for its other shows in China.
    This Rules and Regulations and Privacy Terms is under the jurisdiction of laws of the People’s Republic of China. If there’s any dispute, each party can file it to the local court of the show organizer.